Management of Hepatitis C
Dr Gagandeep Sharma
Amrit Ayurvedic Chikitsalya
Opposite Milan Palace,Nabha,
Distt Patiala,Punjab147201
Contact at:09465343479,09501633991
The word “Hepatitis” means inflammation of liver. Hepatitis C is a
recently discovered disease. Until 1989 medical science was unaware that it
even existed. It has been called the silent killer The U.S. Centre for Disease
Control estimates that over the coming decade the death toll from hepatitis C
will triple, surpassing that of AIDS. There is a higher risk of liver cancer
with Hepatitis C infection. It is responsible for more than one-third of all
liver transplants. The liver being the most active gland of the body secretes
about 600-800ml of bile daily. The metabolic functions of the liver include
metabolism of fats, proteins, minerals, and carbohydrates. It also has
secretory and excretory functions. A person can live without a gallbladder or
spleen, can live with a single kidney
or lung but they cannot live without a liver.
the ancient science of life is enriched with ample amount of herbal drugs,
which are tested , trusted and subjected to thorough clinical and experimental
studies. The herbal
treatment of HCV(hepatitis C) is a ray of hope for those patients who are
unable to tolerate, afford or not eligible for Interferon and Ribavirin
Being an Ayurvedic
physician , I have treated several patients suffering from Hepatitis C with
herbs. I have found that after treating for minimum six to eight weeks , there’s
remarkable improvement in symptoms .There is a reduction in levels of viral hepatitis
load. Reduction
in Level of serum glycolytic enzymes (ALT & AST)and No significant side effects (like headache,
dizziness, digestive disturbances, fever, hair fall, lethargy or depression
etc. as found in case of Ribavirin & Interferon Therapy) were observed
during this Hepatitis C Treatment.
Symptoms of Hepatitis C
- vomiting
- Itchy skin
- Jaundice(yellowish eyes)
- Dark urine
- Fatigue
- nausea
- abdominal pain
- loss of appetite
- muscle and joint pain
Hepatitis C Leads to cirrhosis of liver (It is a chronic
condition in which the liver slowly deteriorates and malfunctions due to
chronic injury. Scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue, partially blocking
the flow of blood through the liver)and other symptoms also appears as Fluid retention (edema) and swelling
in the ankles, legs, and abdomen (often an early sign abdominal pain and bloating Redness on the palms
of hands.Clusters of blood vessels
just below the skin that look like tiny red spiders and usually appear on your
chest, shoulders, and face.Shrinking of the muscles.Bleeding from enlarged
veins in your digestive tract, which is called variceal bleeding confusion and memory and
concentration problems
Causes of Hepatitis
As per Ayurveda, liver is an important pitta
sthaan. pittam is snehnam and it is produced as mala of raktam has to be
eliminated properly. the
disease is caused by "vimargagamana", which is abnormal flow of
constituents in other srotas(channels) resulting in abnormal accumulation of
that constituent in the srota (channel) in which it is abnormally flowing.
Also, it causes its deficiency in its own srotasa. In this case also,there is
vimargagamana of raktamala pitta into the raktavaha srota, which should be
going to the annavaha srota and excreted trough the purishavaha srota. Due to
some abnormality of yakruta it flows into the rakta and then to all of the
body. In the case of raktapitta, liquid part of various dhatus because of
excessive heat of pitta, drains into rakta increasing its quantity. This is
vimargagamana of uadaka of various dhatus in rakta, because of some functional
abnormality of yakruta. Rasa and rakta, being liquid dhatus are more prone for
vimargagamana. Also rasa and rakta dhatus are responsible for nourishment of
all the dhatus in our body.
Any diet or lifestyle activity that aggravates
pitta can be a contributor to hepatitis. These would include:
1 .Alcohol
2 .spicy ,oily diet.
3 Red meat
4 .lack of exercise
How Hepatitis C Transmits?
The virus
pass through straws, needles or shared
toothbrushes and razors.The hospital workers accidentally being stuck with a
needle used on an infected patient, an actual blood transfusion, straws used to
snort cocaine, tattooing and other sources of potential blood to blood contact
Treatment of Hepatitis in
Ayurveda , it is to be treated as kosthgatha kamala chikitsa.The dosh dushya
sammurchnaa takes place in yakrit(liver)itself ,this is between pitt and
rakta.Tikt rasa ruksha virechanam has to be done.Our Ancient Acharayas has mentioned several classical ayurvedic formulations
for the cure of yukrit vikaar. Ayurvedic
herbo mineral preparations restores cures by establishing the
equilibrium of Tridosha(Vata,pitta,kapha)and sapt dhatus (body tissues). There
are several herbs named Curcuma longa, Tinospora cordifolia ,Terminalia chebula ,Andrographis paniculata ,Picrorhiza kurrooa ,Cyperus rotundu, Piper longum, Boerhavia diffusa, Phyllanthus niruru, asEclipta alba
Ayurveda , each
and every patient is an individual entity and the treatment also differs from
patient to patient. Rogi Nidaan has its different parameters. It’s
not as simple as in modern medicines. Prakriti parikshan, Saar,
Sahanan(Compactness), Vyayam shakti(Exercise), Agni (Digestion)all these
parameters are studied by an ayurvedist.
An ayurvedist makes a clear picture of the individual by understanding a
patient as a whole and also decides what
kind of mode of preparation to be used
for the patient. Panch KashayKalpana(SWARAS(Juice),CHURNA(powder),KALK,HIM,PHANT,) is based on this principle.
The herbal
treatment of HCV(hepatitis C) is a ray of hope for those patients who are
unable to tolerate, afford or not eligible for Interferon and Ribavirin
therapy. It can be successfully manageable through
Details Contact /email.
Dr Gagandeep Sharma
BAMS, MD(Ayurveda)
Amrit Ayurvedic Chikitsalya,
OppositeMilan Palace
Nabha Distt Patiala Punjab-147201
Contact at 09465343479 , 09501633991
IN Ayurveda,We offers you best ayurvedic medicine for controlling joint pain.Ayurvedic Treatment for Joint Pain.We balancing your nervous system activity like specific diet,herbs,cleansing programs,meditation,yoga asanas & yoga exercise. Ginger & Garlic are good home remedies for controlling joint pain.