Trichosanthes diocia (Patola)
Scientific classification
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Species: | T. dioica |
Regional Name
Hindi Patol
Sanskrit Kulak
Bengali Patol
Tamil Kambu pudalai
English Pointed gourd
Mayalam Patolam
Latest Research
In rats with streptozotocin induced severe diabetes mellitus, aqueous extract of Trichosanthes dioica fruits at a dose of 1000mg/kg body weight daily once for 28 days reduced the levels of fasting blood glucose, postprandial glucose, asparate amino transferase, alanine amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine, urine sugar and urine protein where as total protein and body weight was increased. No toxic effect was observed during LD50. Our study suggests that further detailed toxicity studies and mechanism of action of T. dioica would be useful for undertaking human trial.
Indian Subcontinent: Bangladesh, India , Nepal, Pakistan , Sri Lanka, Myanmar
Indian Subcontinent: Bangladesh, India , Nepal, Pakistan , Sri Lanka, Myanmar
The Trichosanthes dioica is extensively cultivated as an article of food in Bengal. The unripe fruits are much used by the natives as a culinary vegetable and are considered very wholesome and especially suited for the convalescent. In fact they constitute one of the most palatable vegetable grown in this country. The tender tops are also used as a pot-herb and are regarded as tonic and vermifuge
Leaves Heart shaped,3-4 inch in length, 2inch breadth and width.
Flower White coloured, single gynoeceium
Leaf Macroscopic characters of male leaves
Leaf Simple, alternate Shape Ovate, oblong, cordate Size 5 - 8
cm long; 3 - 6 cm broad texture scabrous apex acute to
acuminate margin sinuate and dentate base cordate
surface both surfaces are very rough with rigid hairs
Colour Green, Dull green Venation
(The Materia Medica Of The Hindus by Udoy Chand Dutt )
Fruit 2-4inch length, sharp edged
· Unripe fruit: It has green coloured strips on its surface
· Riped fruit: It has red coloured strips on its surface.
· Colour of fruit
Whitish green(Unripe fruit)
Reddish yellow(Riped fruit)
1) Gramya: used as vegatable
2) Vanya : used as medicine
Bihar,UP and Bengal
Chemical Composition
· Fruits are rich in protein (2% ), Fats( 0.3% ) , Carbohydrates ( 2.2%)
· Leaves are rich in Protein (5.4%),Fats (1.1%),Carbohydrates(5.8%),and
other elements
· Seeds are rich in 29.3% of reddish green oil.
Guna laghu, ruksha
Vipak Katu
Ras Tikta
Virya Ushna
Part Used
· Juice 10-20ml
· Decoction 50-100ml
Uses :-
· Paste of leaves is used in headache.
· It is also used in alopecia, skin diseases ,worm infestation, jaundice,
hyperacidity, gastric troubles, piles.
· It is also used in pittaj jwar, jeerna jwar
· The bulbous root is called Ramyaha in Sanskrit and is classified amongst purgatives by Susruta
· In bilious fever, a decoction of patola leaves and coriander, in equal parts, is given as a febrifuge and laxative.2 The leaves enter into the composition of several compound decoctions for fever. The following called Patolάdi kvάtha is an illustration. Take of patola leaves, red sandal wood, root of Sanseviera Zeylanica (murvά),Picrorrhiza Kurroa (katuki), Stephania hernandifolia (pάthά) and gulancha, each one drachm, water half a seer, boil together till reduced to one-fourth
· The root is used in combination with Ipomaa Turpethum and other adjuncts as a drastic purgative in jaundice, anasarca and ascites. The following called Patoladya churna is an illustration. Take of the root of Trichosanthes dioica (patola), turmeric, baberang seeds, kamala powder, and the three myrobalans, two tolas each, cinnamon, and the root of the indigo plant, three tolas each, Ipomaa Turpethum (trivrit) four tolάs; powder the ingredients finely and mix. Dose, about one drachm with cow's urine. After the use of this medicine, light food only (such as gruel) should be taken
· Patola enters into the composition of several compound decoctions for boils and other skin diseases for which it is considered a very efficacious remedy. The following is an illustration. Take of patola leaves, gulancha, mustaka, chiretά, nim bark, catechu, root-bark of Justicia Adhatoda (vasaka), parpata, equal parts, in all two tolas, and prepare a decoction in the usual way. This decoction is regarded as a valuable alterative, tonic and febrifuge
· The fresh juice of the leaves of Trichosanthes dioica is recommended by several writers, to be applied to the bald patches of alopecia.
· The leaves, fresh juice of the fruits and the root are all used medicinally. The leaves are described as a good, light and agreeable bitter tonic. The fresh juice of the unripe fruit is often used as a cooling and laxative adjunct to some alterative medicines such as the preparation called Rasa sindura etc
· It is anti infammatory and antipyretic in action.
· It is blood purifier and also reduces edema.
· It is tri dosh shamak in its action
· It has been used for overcoming problems like constipation, fever, skin
infection, wounds
· The unripe fruit and the tender shoots and capsules are laxative
· Fruit is prescribed for patients suffering from disorders of circulatory
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